Spis Castle

From Debrecen I headed North to the wine lands. From there the Euro Velo 11 provided me with good roads almost all the way to Slovakia.

The area around Kosice wasn’t too great. But halfway to Prešov, I turned left on a quiet road and it was an absolute joy all the way to Spis Castle.

Hungarian vineyards
I teamed up with this Finnish cyclist for half a day
Tokaj was full of tourists on King Stephens day
This Hungarian flag looks like the Italian one
Another yellow Hungarian Church
Safety rails on EV 11. Are they really necessary ?
What alphabet is that ?
Even the road sign warned me about the rain
This crew cleans up after the rain
Very young children on the route
Spis Castle from the local town
The castle as seen from the lower wall
Some of the signage had terrible translations
The castle as seen from my guest house with zoom lens