About Nic Roets

Wiskundige – Dutch/Afrikaans for mathematician

(Des)kundige – Dutch/Afrikaans for expert

I’m a mathematician. This is not my occupation, but rather my personality: What topics I’m interested in and how I approach problems.

I manage proprietary investments, mostly in listed companies.

I’m based in the Republic of Georgia. Hence an address ending in ‘.ge’

I have also explored many countries my bicycle. Here are my journals that predate this site:






  • Best route in Romania

    Best route in Romania

    Cycling from Bucharest to Turda was quite nice. I was on quiet, paved roads most of the time. It never felt like I was doing unnecessary detours. 500 km. Here is the route in GPX format: For comparison, here is a group of riders who cycled a similar route 9 years ago: Medias to Bucharest

  • Frustrating ride to Hungary

    Frustrating ride to Hungary

    I knew I could reach Hungary with a couple of days of hard riding. The question was where could I find accommodation. Zalău, a large town 70 km North West of Cluj seemed the obvious choice. Within minutes of starting, I encountered roads signs mentioning Zalău. But there was a catch: Those roads would have…

  • Cluj-Napoca


    In front of St. Michael’s Church is the Matthias Corvinus Monument. And in front in the foreground is an archaeological site covered by a glass roof. The glass roof seems so impractical: To be weatherproof, it has to be quite thick. It’s nearly always dusty. And it only a matter of time before cracks the…

  • Bucharest


    The road from the border to Bucharest was agony: Riding on a small shoulder with plenty of trucks passing me in the slow lane.

  • Almost skipped Romanian passport control

    Almost skipped Romanian passport control

    After a couple of nights in Ruse, I crossed the Danube into Romania. On the Bulgarian side, there’s only toll, which wasn’t applicable to me. On the Romanian side there were 5 or 6 lanes of cars moving very slowly. No indication that it was passport control. I changed lanes at some point, which is…

  • The best road in Bulgaria

    The best road in Bulgaria

    Today I rode from Madera to Isperih. For the most part it was on quiet county roads. There were plenty of pot holes, but always enough good tarmac left to avoid them. Madera offers a variety of accommodation. In Isperih the choices are limited, but it does have another draw card: The ancient tombs located…