
The Tour De Serbia was underway and by chance I followed more or less the same route out of Belgrade with the same end point for that day (Cacak).

It wasn’t easy figuring out which entry points into Kosovo were legal. For me the easiest route was to take the mountain road from Novi Pasar. After a lot of Googling, I found a cyclist who said it’s only for locals.

So I went to the Ibar River and followed it downstream. I reached a bridge over the river (dam at this point) which I knew went to Kosovo. But there was no border police to stamp my passport. Not even a sign indicating the issues that that may cause.

So I played it safe and went to obvious entry point.

After declaring independence, Kosovo started issuing their own license plates. At some point Serbia wouldn’t allow those plates across the border saying it’s a symbol of Kosovo’s illegal independence. Drivers were only allowed in with temporary licence plates. Then Kosovo made the same demand for Serbian cars entering it’s territory. Drivers protested by blocking borders. A settlement was found. All drivers (crossing the border) should cover all country symbols with white stickers.

Rowers and their coach on a lake in Belgrade
One of the Tour De Serbia support vehicles
One of the few EU projects in Serbia
Views from my $11 hotel room in Novi Pasar
View from the shared balcony at the same hotel
The free water points throughout Eastern Europe gets a fair number of customers
Stickers blocking country symbols on licence plate
Italian police preserving the peace in a predominantly Serb area of Kosovo
A sign of Kosovo’s independence in Pristina
National library. Built in 1982
The library from the other side
View from my hotel balcony
Flag flying on the government building
From my bed I could watch a crane lower a flat screen TV into the penthouse of the new mega hotel

That’s too large to be a TV.

Two police men accompany a city representative who orders the shop keepers to clear the pavement
This cyclist couldn’t enter via the mountain road