
Two workers watering the flowers in a tiny Hungarian village
Riding on the levies are nice. Except for the dust created by this lawnmower
Still very hot in September
Hungarian school children canoeing on the canal
I visited the Baja Peninsula. Not the famous one. The Hungarian one.
Sombor, Serbia. Very much European.
Front wheel got coated with mud on an agricultural path
Beautiful canal in Serbia
A beach overlooking the Danube
The car ferry is a tugboat pushing a barge from the side
The fort in Novi Sad
Danube running through Novi Sad
Another viewpoint overlooking the Danube. This one in Sremski
Footbridge connecting houses in the national park
Apple train outside Belgrade
More agriculture outside Belgrade
Water taxi dropping someone in New Belgrade
Some party in the front. The Belgrade fort in the back. Between them is one boat overtaking another on the Sava River
From the fort looking across the Sava River towards an uninhabited Island. New Belgrade skyline in the back.
Belgrade is one of the oldest cities. But I’m sure it started after the dinosaurs.
Mural of Fidel Castro and his views on the NATO bombings
Memorial to victims of the accidental bombing of the Chinese embassy